Day 14
8 m² of woods reforested and protected against wild fires in Guatemala
Protecting Forests – for People and Quetzal

Planting new trees and preventing forest fires with the Mayan communities

Samuel Secaira stellt dir das Projekt im Video vor
Reforestation and protection from forest fires in the forests of Sololá in Guatemala
The local NGO Vivamos Mejor Guatemala plants native seedlings, creates firebreaks and trains new firefighters to prevent forest fires
Measurable performance
At least 40 hectares of lost forest will be reforested and protected from fires
Forests that provide home and livelihood for the Maya and their sacred quetzal are being restored and effectively protected
Systemically relevant impact
A healthy forest ecosystem provides resources for the local population, binds CO₂, prevents natural disasters and promotes biodiversity

The good deed
About Guatemala
Guatemala City
Capital city
as of 2023
Gross domestic product
per capita per year in USD
as of 2023
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)
as of 2023/2024