Day 21
3 min. Knowledge transfer for active climate protectors throughout Germany
Taking climate protection into your own hands Taking climate protection into your own hands

Climate neutral place by place - for a livable, healthy future

Svenja (Fraeulein.Oeko) presents her favourite project in the video
Content and organizational support for citizens who want to start a climate decision in their municipality
GermanZero gives local volunteer climate activists a helping hand to campaign for effective and binding climate protection
Measurable performance
Number of climate decision teams that have been launched and are active on site
In more German cities, climate decisions initiated by volunteers are leading to concrete climate protection measures
Systemically relevant impact
A growing number of municipalities on the path to climate neutrality are helping Germany take another step towards meeting the 1.5-degree target

The good deed
About Germany
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 9 of 191
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)