Day 12
150 m² of Amazon rainforest are protected in Brazil
The “green lung” of the earth is in danger The “green lung” of the earth is in danger

Protect the rainforest today, for a vibrant world tomorrow

Hajo Schumacher presents his favorite project in the video
Protected habitat in the Amazon for plants, animals and the indigenous Huni Kuin
A local foundation buys several thousand hectares of rainforest to create a protected area
Measurable performance
For each good deed, 150 square meters, i.e. approx. 12 x 12 m of rainforest can be purchased and thus protected
The Huni Kuin as guardians of the forest can expand their territory and the rainforest remains permanently legally protected
Systemically relevant impact
As a pioneering project, it is a model for other projects that aim to protect the rainforest from further deforestation and provide a habitat for indigenous people. The culture of the Huni Kuin and the biodiversity of the rainforest are secured in the long term.

The good deed
About Brazil
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 87 of 191
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)