Day 1
12 sea turtle eggs are protected in Cape Verde
Real help for the “Loggerhead turtles” Real help for the “Loggerhead turtles”

Protecting nesting sea turtles on Boa Vista from poaching

Nina Heins presents her favorite project in the video
Protecting the loggerhead turtle from poaching and protecting nests on Boa Vista - Cape Verde
18 local rangers guard 20 km of nesting beach and relocate endangered nests
Measurable performance
Number of sea turtles and eggs protected from poachers and from which young can develop
By protecting around 2,400 mothers in the first year, more eggs can be laid and young animals can hatch from them, allowing the population to grow again
Systemically relevant impact
The sea turtle population on Boa Vista has recovered and stabilized; poaching is declining due to the rangers' presence

The good deed
About Cape Verde
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 128 of 191
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)