A social Advent calendar for primary school: ideas and tips


A social advent calendar in primary school offers a wonderful opportunity to promote cohesion and social skills among students. Through creative craft ideas, daily tasks and the involvement of parents and teachers, primary schools can create a positive, community atmosphere. This article offers you a variety of ideas and tips on how to successfully implement such an advent calendar.

Key findings

  • A social Advent calendar promotes cohesion and social skills among students.
  • Creative craft ideas and sustainable materials make the Advent calendar particularly valuable.
  • Daily tasks and joint projects strengthen the sense of community in the class.
  • The involvement of parents and teachers is crucial to the success of the project.
  • Long-term positive changes and sustainable effects are possible through a well-implemented social Advent calendar.

Creative craft ideas for a social Advent calendar

assorted type of leaves lying on white panel

Use sustainable materials

A social Advent calendar can be made particularly environmentally friendly by using sustainable materials . Recycled paper, fabric scraps or natural materials such as pine cones and dried leaves are suitable for this. These materials are not only environmentally friendly, but also give the calendar a special touch.

Organize joint craft sessions

To strengthen the cohesion in the class, joint craft sessions can be organized. During these sessions, the children can work together and express their creativity. This not only promotes teamwork, but is also a lot of fun.

Individual design options

Each child can make their own contribution to the Advent calendar by designing an individual door. This creates a unique calendar that reflects the diversity and creativity of the class. The individual design options give the children the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and concepts.

A social advent calendar can strengthen class cohesion while raising awareness of sustainability. It's a wonderful opportunity to combine creativity and teamwork.

Daily tasks for more cohesion in the class

Promote helpfulness

A social advent calendar can help to increase the willingness to help among students. A small task every day, such as carrying the school bags of younger students or sharing lunchboxes, can promote a sense of community.

Start joint projects

Through joint projects, such as designing a class register or planning a small performance, the children learn to work together and support each other. These projects can be integrated into the Advent calendar to make small progress every day.

Strengthening social skills

Daily tasks aimed at strengthening social skills can also be part of the Advent calendar. These include:

  • Conflict resolution exercises
  • Role plays to develop empathy
  • Joint reflection sessions at the end of the day
A social Advent calendar offers the opportunity to sustainably strengthen cohesion in the class and promote important social skills.

Involve parents and teachers

Parents’ evenings for planning

Parents' evenings offer an excellent opportunity to develop ideas for the social Advent calendar together. Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge can be encouraged by parents exchanging experiences and suggestions. Tasks can also be distributed and responsibilities clarified here.

Teachers as role models

Teachers play a central role and can act as role models. Through their commitment and enthusiasm they can motivate and inspire students. It is important that teachers actively participate in the projects and contribute their own ideas.

Joint activities with parents

Joint activities with parents strengthen the sense of community and promote cohesion. Whether it's craft sessions, excursions or social projects - the cooperation between parents, teachers and students creates a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Integration of social issues into teaching

Designing theme weeks

A great way to incorporate social issues into the classroom is to create theme weeks. Each week can be dedicated to a specific social issue , such as friendship, respect or tolerance. This allows students to delve deeply into a topic and look at it from different perspectives.

Initiate discussion rounds

Discussion boards provide students with the opportunity to share their opinions and thoughts on social issues. This not only promotes critical thinking but also communication skills. Teachers can ask targeted questions to guide the discussion and ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate.

Include practical exercises

Practical exercises are an effective way to strengthen social skills. Role plays, group work and projects can help students develop empathy and teamwork. Through practical applications, students learn how to overcome social challenges in everyday life.

Integrating social issues into lessons not only promotes students’ social awareness, but also contributes to a positive classroom climate.

Success stories from other primary schools

In many primary schools, the social Advent calendar has proven to be a valuable tool for strengthening cohesion and community. One example is the primary school in Musterstadt, where the students were given small tasks every day that encouraged cooperation. This original Advent calendar idea brings values ​​to the Advent season in kindergarten. All you need is a story track and suitable picture cards, ideally made by yourself.

Teachers and parents report positive experiences and lasting changes in the classroom climate. They particularly emphasize how the children developed more responsibility and willingness to help through their daily tasks. These success stories motivate other schools to start similar projects and benefit from the experience.

To successfully implement the social Advent calendar, a few tips have proven useful:

  • Early planning : Start organizing and involving everyone early.
  • Creative tasks : Make daily tasks varied and engaging.
  • Shared reflection : Use regular reflection sessions to discuss and deepen the children’s experiences.
A social Advent calendar can strengthen cooperation in the class in the long term and bring about positive changes.

Long-term impact of a social Advent calendar

Observe sustainable changes

A social Advent calendar can bring about lasting changes in the behavior of students. Through daily tasks and projects, children learn how important solidarity and mutual support are. They can integrate these values ​​into their everyday lives even after Advent.

Collect positive feedback

Teachers and parents often report positive changes in the classroom climate and in the children's behavior. This feedback is not only motivating, but also shows that the social Advent calendar makes a real difference.

The positive effects of a social Advent calendar are often long-term and contribute to a more harmonious coexistence.

Developing future perspectives

A social Advent calendar can also help to start long-term projects and initiatives. The children develop an awareness of social issues and are motivated to continue to help their fellow human beings in the future. This can take the form of regular social projects or initiatives that extend beyond the Advent season.


A social Advent calendar for primary schools offers a wonderful opportunity to fill the pre-Christmas period with joy, community and compassion. Through creative and thoughtful activities, children can not only experience the importance of charity and solidarity, but also actively contribute to it. The ideas and tips presented are intended to serve as inspiration to make Advent at school a special and unforgettable time. With a social Advent calendar, we not only create beautiful memories, but also promote important social skills that have an impact far beyond the Christmas season.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a social Advent calendar?

A social advent calendar is a calendar that aims to promote social interactions and a sense of community in the classroom. Each day there is a task or activity that strengthens togetherness.

How can you use sustainable materials for the Advent calendar?

Sustainable materials such as recycled paper, natural materials and reusable decorations can be used to make the Advent calendar. This also promotes environmental awareness among children.

Which tasks are suitable for a social Advent calendar?

Tasks such as joint craft projects, small aid campaigns, writing thank you cards or organizing games and activities that promote team spirit are particularly suitable.

How can parents be involved in the design of the Advent calendar?

Parents can be involved in the design of the Advent calendar through parent evenings, joint craft sessions and support in carrying out activities.

What positive effects does a social Advent calendar have on the class?

A social Advent calendar can strengthen the sense of community, promote children's social skills and contribute to a better classroom atmosphere. The children also learn to take responsibility and look out for one another.

How can one observe the long-term effects of a social Advent calendar?

The long-term effects can be observed through regular reflection, collecting feedback and observing behavioral changes in the classroom. Positive changes in the classroom climate and in the social behavior of the children are good indicators.

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