Day 3

An examination and worming treatment for a pet in and around Cologne

Love of animals must not be a luxury Love of animals must not be a luxury

An examination and worming treatment for a pet in and around Cologne
Day 3
The mobile veterinary practice: Help for animals, respect for people

Andrea H. (54) and her mixed breed dog Leila (7) regularly visit the mobile veterinary practice (TieMo) for those in need. Leila suffers from arthritis, and Andrea cannot afford the necessary medication and vet visits on her low income. She has been on early retirement for some time now due to a mental illness. Since then, Leila has become even more important to her: she gives Andrea a reason to get up and go outside every day. In order to be able to look after Leila, she does everything she can to manage her everyday life as well as possible and to look after her own health. She is very grateful for the support from TieMo: "Setting something like this up on a voluntary basis is very special and requires a lot of commitment. An older, sick dog is so needy and needs our care and attention even more. I am so touched that I will still have a great time with Leila thanks to the support of the Tiemo team."

The mobile veterinary practice: Help for animals, respect for people
The mobile veterinary practice: Help for animals, respect for people
Kostenlose tierärztliche Grundversorgung für Halter mit geringen Einkommen
Ehrenamtlich tätige Tierärzte und Helfer bieten im TieMo an Brennpunkt-Standorten regelmäßig Untersuchung, Beratung und einfache Behandlungen an.
Zählbare Leistung
Anzahl der durchgeführten Behandlungen, der behandelten Tiere und der zugehörigen Halter
Bessere Gesundheit der Tiere, finanzielle und psychische Entlastung der Halter
Systemrelevante Wirkung
Hilfe für Tiere bedeutet nicht nur Respekt für deren menschliche Halter, sondern schützt und stärkt auch deren psychische Gesundheit. Die Tierhalter*innen werden langfristig in ihrer Lebenssituation und ihrer psychischen Gesundheit gestärkt.

Almost half of all German households (46%) have at least one pet. Around two-thirds of families with children keep pets, but older people also appreciate animal company: around a quarter of pet owners are over 60 (ZZF). It has long been scientifically proven that animals are good for people. Exercise when walking the dog, relaxation when cuddling, the trust that the animal will accept them without reservation, all of this promotes physical and mental health (ZZF). Five to 10 percent of the homeless also share their lives with animals, mostly dogs. They are constant companions, best friends, at the same time protection and wards, mediators in social contacts and a source of unconditional love for the owners (Bergmann, 2021). Animals are increasingly being used specifically in the treatment of psychological problems. At the same time, love of animals threatens to become a luxury item. In November 2022, the fee schedule for veterinarians was adjusted. Since then, the simplest examination costs at least 23.62 euros instead of 8.98 euros (cat) or 13.47 euros (dog), and the prices for vaccinations have doubled (BTK 2023). Worrying about older and sick animals places a much greater psychological and financial burden on poor and low-income earners than on higher earners. When animals are given away for financial reasons, there are only losers: not only animals and owners suffer from the separation, ultimately the consequences can burden the health system and thus become a problem for society as a whole.

Alter Markt, 50667 Innenstadt, Germany
Day 3 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3
The good deed

TieMo has four permanent locations (Brühl, Grevenbroich, and two in Cologne); one of these is visited each week on a rotating basis. After registering through local partner organizations, people who can prove they are in need can have their animals examined free of charge. Veterinarians and assistants work on a voluntary basis; medication and consumables are financed through donations. TieMo carries out simple but necessary treatments such as regular worming treatments, advises owners, and sometimes distributes food or donations in kind. For many owners, their beloved animal is an emotional support and best friend for whom they want to look after as well as possible. That's why even people come to TieMo who don't like to ask for help for themselves because they fear being patronized. The shared desire for the animal to be well enables contact on an equal level. An experience that can help owners to be more open to other offers of support.

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