Day 3

1 min. Career preparation for people with disabilities in Germany

Free choice of workplace for all Free choice of workplace for all Free choice of workplace for all Free choice of workplace for all

1 min. Career preparation for people with disabilities in Germany
Day 3
With empowerment courses for self-determined work

A broad grin spreads across Nils' face: "I have just moderated my first team meeting," he says proudly. He would not have thought he could do that a few months ago - not to mention his supervisors in the workshop for people with disabilities. He worked there for 10 years, peeling labels off bottles. Today he translates texts into easy language or advises companies that want to hire people with disabilities. "If the employment agent knew that, who only saw one path for me after school: off to the workshop," says Nils. Because Nils received good advice from an independent project, he made the path from the workshop to the primary job market. "I have learned more in the few months in my job than in the 10 years in the workshop, and I also have a lot more contact with people," says Nils.

With empowerment courses for self-determined work
Raul Krauthausen presents his favorite project in the video
Providing knowledge about alternatives to working in sheltered workshops for people with disabilities and encouraging them to lead a self-determined professional life
Social Heroes employees with and without disabilities conduct empowerment workshops in workshops for people with disabilities
Measurable performance
Number of people with disabilities who have participated in a workshop and subsequently know how to get a job in the primary labour market with social insurance contributions
The proportion of people with disabilities who work in a self-selected, well-paid job with social insurance contributions has increased
Systemically relevant impact
A larger proportion of employees in sheltered workshops are informed about alternatives and decide for themselves which job to take. This leads to greater integration into the primary labour market

When people think of workshops for people with disabilities, they usually have a positive image in their mind: a sheltered place where severely disabled people who cannot do regular work have meaningful employment. Over 320,000 disabled people in Germany are employed in such workshops. What many people do not know is that the employees only earn an average of around 1.35 euros per hour (Aguayo-Krauthausen, 2022). This means that despite working up to 35 hours a week, they cannot support themselves and are permanently dependent on social benefits from the state. Around 21% of those employed in workshops are people with mental disabilities who are often well educated and have already worked in the general labor market (Federal Association for Disabled People eV, 2020). This number has been growing steadily for years, although this group in particular has good chances on the general labor market with the right support (JOBinklusive, 2020). Overall, not even 1% of workshop employees are placed in the primary labor market, even though that is precisely the task of the workshops. This means that getting from a workshop to the general labor market is not easy. Against this background, the JOBInklusive project was launched, which advocates for real inclusion in the labor market and aims to enable people with disabilities to participate equally in working life.

Day 3 Day 3
The good deed

With your good deed, you enable workshop employees to take part in an empowerment workshop. An important feature of our workshops: people who themselves have a disability design and lead the workshops in tandem with people without disabilities. The participants are informed about their rights, alternative work options to the workshop and support options to get a job in the general labor market. Their self-confidence is also strengthened so that they discover their own potential and preferences. It is expected that around 10% of participants will find their way into the primary labor market. Your good deed therefore helps people with disabilities to decide for themselves how and where they want to work. In addition, you are also promoting more inclusion in the labor market, which benefits everyone. Because non-disabled people also have a right to work with disabled people.

About Germany
Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 9 of 191
Rank 9 of 191
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has also recommended that Germany gradually abolish workshops for people with disabilities (United Nations, 2015)