Day 11

A bicycle training for a refugee woman in Germany

Get on your bike Get on your bike

A bicycle training for a refugee woman in Germany
Day 11
Empowering refugee women through cycling training

Freiburg im Breisgau is considered one of the bicycle cities in Germany. According to a nationwide survey by the General German Bicycle Club in 2016, the city came in third place among the most bicycle-friendly cities (ADFC, 2016). This puts Freiburg at the forefront nationwide in terms of the use of bicycles as a means of transport. However, cycling can be much more than just a means of transportation. The American women's rights activist Susan B. Anthony pointed out the importance of the bicycle for women's emancipation as early as the 19th century. She raved about the feeling of freedom. At that time, owning a bicycle was still something special in the USA and Europe. For us today, it is completely normal. In Germany, most boys and girls learn to ride a bicycle at an early age and experience this feeling of freedom. In the bicycle metropolis of Freiburg, refugee women who have not yet learned to ride a bicycle will now also experience this feeling of freedom.

Empowering refugee women through cycling training
Social and cultural integration of refugee women and women with a migration background.
Volunteer trainers teach the refugee women how to ride a bike in courses lasting several hours.
Measurable performance
Number of cycling training sessions for refugee women.
Through the cycling courses, the women learn how to ride a bike and increase their opportunities for mobility.
Systemically relevant impact
Improved access to further training and employment opportunities, cultural offerings, creation of new social contacts and improved integration opportunities.

Numerous international conflicts are forcing more and more people around the world to leave their homeland. Many new people have also arrived in Germany in recent years and are seeking protection from war and persecution. According to statistics from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, 81,000 asylum applications were submitted in the first half of 2018 - 42% of these were submitted by girls and women (BAMF, 2018). In order to facilitate and support the integration of refugees in Germany, numerous projects have been launched, including in the field of sport.

The "North Rhine-Westphalia State Sports Association" has found that women with a migration or refugee background in particular are less likely to be in sports clubs or to take part in sports activities (North Rhine-Westphalia State Sports Association, 2017). Specific offers are needed that address the special life situation of refugee women and remove barriers to access to sports activities. Cycling courses that are specifically geared to the needs of refugee women are one way of promoting the participation and integration of these women into society.

Freiburg, Deutschland
Day 11 Day 11
The good deed

The good deed runs cycling courses. Over several weeks, the women learn to ride a bike in small groups. The bike enables the women to explore their new surroundings, visit friends and family, and gain affordable access to educational and job opportunities and cultural life. This increases the social participation and mobility of refugee women. At the same time, it promotes the health of the women and protects the environment. The good deed benefits women, society, and nature.

Capital city
82 521 653
82 521 653
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Germany is located in the heart of Europe and, with over 82 million inhabitants, is the most populous country in the EU. Since 2015, no other country in the EU has taken in as many refugees as Germany.