Day 7

A half-day patrol to protect gorillas in Congo

Even silverbacks need help Even silverbacks need help

A half-day patrol to protect gorillas in Congo
Day 7
Creating protected habitat for gorillas through gamekeepers

Done! After the arduous climb up the mountain slopes of Mount Tshiaberimu rainforest, the gamekeepers and trackers of Virunga National Park stand at a safe distance and watch the group of gorillas they are looking for eating: Is everything OK? It looks like it, but something is different. The tracker Katsuva Wasukundi takes a few steps to the side to get a better look through the bamboo bushes. And indeed! He takes his smartphone and takes the first photo of the newborn gorilla baby, which they will later name "Espoir" (hope) (CGTN Africa 2022). His mother Mwengeshali has now been looking after her newborn for around 2 years and protecting it together with the group. Is she aware that the gorillas, for their part, depend on the protection of people like Katsuva Wasukundi so that their habitat is preserved as they need it to (survive)?

Creating protected habitat for gorillas through gamekeepers
Jasmina Neudecker presents her favorite project
Supporting and improving the conduct of patrols in gorilla conservation areas
The local partner is supported in paying and equipping the patrol teams
Measurable performance
Increase in patrol hours carried out by the teams
Illegal activities (such as poaching, mining) are identified and measures are initiated within the framework of the National Park Administration’s management plans
Systemically relevant impact
The gorilla population in the protected area can recover, the forest can contribute more to biodiversity and climate protection; the habitat of the gorillas (and other endangered animal and plant species) is better protected

The Democratic Republic of Congo (also called Congo-Kinshasa), with its large rainforests, is home to Grauer's and mountain gorillas. Gorillas live in family groups led and protected by an imposing silverback. Their habitat is only partly in protected areas such as national parks. They often share it with the people living there and are exposed to a variety of dangers. The east of the DR Congo has been destabilized for 25 years by civil war and the activities of several rebel groups (Stearns, JK, 2022). Armed groups also threaten protected areas and their unique flora and fauna. They use the forests as refuges and live from poaching, charcoal production and illegal exploitation of mineral resources such as coltan, gold and diamonds. Gamekeepers disrupt the illegal activities and are therefore often attacked (BBC News Africa 2021). Nature conservation is also a state task in the Congo. But the national park authorities are chronically underfunded ( 2023). In addition, the state structures of the authorities and the army are weak, so that the protection of many national parks and reserves and the animals living there is not sufficiently guaranteed. There is too little staff to protect the areas, and the wage payments do not allow the gamekeepers to earn a sufficient and adequate income for their dangerous work. The economic hardship of the population is great. As a result, people go to the protected areas in search of food and wood or try to permanently convert areas into arable or pasture land despite the ban. The areas must therefore be protected more effectively (Robbins et al., 2011).

Lubutu / Maiko-Nationalpark
The good deed

Today's good deed ensures more and better protection for gorillas in Congo-Kinshasa. Your support will enable us to hire trackers to support the gamekeeper teams on their patrols. They specialize in identifying game tracks and thus help monitor which animal species live in the area. In addition, better pay and equipment for the teams (including rainwear, tents, boots) can be guaranteed and more staff can be hired if necessary. This means that a larger area and more gorillas in the national park are monitored and protected. In addition, the staff are better equipped and supplied so that the strenuous work can be carried out in the best possible way. In addition, the motivation of the rangers is increased and the risk of someone cooperating with poachers or other illegal immigrants out of necessity is reduced. The good deed can support 3 to 4 protected areas.

About the Democratic Republic of Congo
Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Grauer's gorillas are only found in the DR Congo. They are classified as "critically endangered". Mountain gorillas live in the border region of Uganda, Rwanda and the DR Congo. Their population has recovered slightly. Both subspecies belong to the eastern gorillas.