Day 16

3 min. Diary work for a stressed schoolchild in Germany

Biography as the key to educational success Biography as the key to educational success Biography as the key to educational success Biography as the key to educational success

3 min. Diary work for a stressed schoolchild in Germany
Day 16
Strengthening children and young people through appreciative relationships

Lena is now 22 years old. She has found training in her dream job and is now happy to go back to school. "I didn't have an easy life before, I sometimes felt like I was in hell!" Back in school, Lena was averse to everything. She was aggressive. Her teachers couldn't get along with her. She was considered "uneducable". Nobody believed that she would make something of her life. It was her class teacher who learned to use the diary method. An astonishing change began: "I learned to write a diary and tell my story," Lena says today, "it was really important, I felt understood. The project helped me to break out: the diary, the security, the people who listened to me." Lena got her life under control.

Strengthening children and young people through appreciative relationships
LOTTE presents her favorite project
An effective program to strengthen disadvantaged children and young people in their educational success
Teachers are trained to build appreciative relationships with their students - the diary is used centrally
Measurable performance
Number of students reached throughout Germany and supported in pursuing a positive educational path
Students feel noticed, they develop access to their biography, recognize and use their strengths
Systemically relevant impact
Social inequality is overcome through successful relationships in school. This creates (new) opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people

"Lena's story is touching and shows that change is possible as soon as a safe framework is created through successful relationship building," says Jörg Knüfken from ChangeWriters eV. Lena's positive development is no longer an isolated case. But unfortunately neither is the beginning of her story: "Everyone thinks I'm strong, but I have a lot of problems at home and at school. I have to do so much at my age" (Yasin, 14 years old). (Betz et al., 2022; Funcke et al., 2020; Klemm, 2023). Children like Lena and Yasin are made to understand at school, of all places, that they are "poorly functioning". They are left behind. Anger arises or they simply turn away (Hunziker, 2015). This puts a strain on teachers, classmates and the young people themselves. This is where ChangeWriters' diary work comes in: building and shaping relationships, overcoming distance! This is made possible by the effective program "Writing stories together". The program consists of four coordinated program modules. A four-day practical seminar for teachers kicks off the development of the effect. The participants experience the diary method and directly implementable exercises that help build relationships. They develop their own personal implementation concept and incorporate the methods directly into their lessons, offer school clubs or fixed times for writing a diary. They receive professional support over a period of one and a half years. During the support phase, the students experience two action days in which commonalities and undiscovered potential become visible. On the annual holiday trip, the young people write down their stories, which are published in a diary and serve as a role model for new students.

Day 16 Day 16 Day 16
The good deed

With your donation, around 2000 students will have the opportunity to keep a diary and thus a real chance to change their lives! They write down their everyday life and their worries and in this way reflect on their behavior. The diary becomes a trustworthy dialogue tool. The kids voluntarily share their story with their teachers or can put their diary in another box so that it is not read. In any case, they receive appreciative feedback if they want it. How and what they write is accepted. In this way, teachers get a real-world-oriented view of their students, including those who endanger their school leaving certificate through destructive or aggressive behavior or who experience social disadvantages. This approach can be used to (re)build relationships - the central basis for overcoming social inequality, creating opportunities and sustainable personal success in education.

Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

In Germany, the educational success of young people still depends on their social background: in 2021, another 47,500 young people left school without a qualification (Klemm, 2023).