Day 1

4.5 hours of protecting a Kazakh wild donkey through GPS

A collar that saves lives A collar that saves lives

4.5 hours of protecting a Kazakh wild donkey through GPS
Day 1
The donkey has landed: Kulans return to the steppe

Kulans - sounds cool! Kulans are wild donkeys, or more precisely the Turkmen subspecies of the Asian wild donkey. They are a little bigger than the donkeys we know here and are not grey, but sand-coloured. Kulans can run incredibly fast: up to 75 km/h is no problem for the shy hoofed animals. In their homeland in the Central Asian steppes, it can sometimes be quite uncomfortable: in summer it is hot +40 degrees and in winter it is icy -40 degrees. The kulans still feel right at home. Over the course of the year, the length and density of their fur changes dramatically: while it is silky and smooth in the hot summer months, it turns into a fluffy winter coat in the autumn. When the wind blows particularly cold across the steppe, the donkeys stand close together in depressions or behind bushes and stubbornly defy the elements. There is plenty of food for the kulans in the central steppe. Whether fresh and juicy or dried and frozen - the steppe grass provides them with enough energy in all seasons. The grassland, which is so inhospitable for us two-legged creatures, is therefore a paradise for kulans - endless expanses and snacks as far as the eye can see.

The donkey has landed: Kulans return to the steppe
Dr. Dag Encke presents his favorite project
Protecting newly settled kulans from poaching
Local NGO puts collars with GPS transmitters on kulans so rangers can observe and protect the animals in the vast steppes
Measurable performance
Number of kulans that can be more effectively protected from poaching by GPS signals
The chances of survival of wild donkeys are improving significantly because the animals can be protected more effectively from poaching
Systemically relevant impact
Successful, long-term reintroduction of kulans in Central Kazakhstan and stabilization of the steppe ecosystem

Originally, wild donkeys were widespread in the grasslands of Kazakhstan, a vast country in the heart of the Eurasian continent. Poaching wiped out the kulans of Kazakhstan around 1930. Today, the species is classified as “critically endangered” (IUCN, 2016). But without wild donkeys, there would be no intact steppe! As large herbivores, they are the gardeners of the grasslands, sowing, mowing, fertilizing and harvesting: Kulans distribute plant seeds over long distances, keep vegetation low and thus reduce the risk of fires. Their hooves stabilize the soil and they are also a source of food for predators and scavengers. As so-called “megaherbivores,” they also play an important role for smaller herbivores. In summer, they can dig water holes in dry riverbeds and in winter, uncover grass under thick layers of snow. Poaching, the loss of pasture land to the benefit of growing herds of livestock and the conversion of huge areas of steppe into arable land drove the kulans out of the grasslands of central Kazakhstan around a hundred years ago. Thanks to an ambitious reintroduction project led by the Kazakh NGO ACBK (Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan), the first animals are now returning to the steppe. In practical terms, this looks like this: Kulans are transported from a large population in the south of the country to the central steppe. There they spend a few months under close observation in a large release enclosure. Once it is clear that the animals are healthy and have adapted well to their new environment, they are released into the wild. In order to continue to protect them there and to establish a stable population in the long term, monitoring the animals is essential. GPS collars ensure greater security: They transmit the exact position of the resettled kulans three times a day. The Kazakh rangers therefore know exactly where the animals are and can therefore protect them better. This increases the kulans’ chances of survival and contributes to the preservation of Kazakhstan’s steppe.

Torgai Steppe, Kostanay Oblast
Day 1 Day 1
The good deed

With your donation today you support the purchase and operation of GPS collars for kulans in central Kazakhstan. Adult animals are given a collar that transmits their position for three years and then falls off by itself. The donkeys then receive a new collar. The transmitters are then collected and all the data stored on them is read and analyzed. The collar itself can then be reset and reused. Kulans easily walk 40

up to 50 km in a single day. Without this monitoring technology, it is impossible for the rangers to follow them in the vast steppe. Thanks to GPS collars, however, the rangers can accompany them and protect them from poaching. In the long term, they also determine the routes and favorite places of the donkeys, which can then be specially protected. Improved ranger patrols give the wild donkeys a chance of a safe future in the steppe. It all starts with a GPS signal and your good deed!

About Kazakhstan
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Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Really athletic! Kulans can not only run incredibly fast, but are also impressive jumpers: they can easily overcome fences that are 1.80 m high.