Day 7

A new tree for the Kaazi Forest in Uganda

Standing up against the climate crisis Standing up against the climate crisis Standing up against the climate crisis Standing up against the climate crisis

A new tree for the Kaazi Forest in Uganda
Day 7
Restore a refuge for humans and animals in the Kaazi forest

"Take action and plant a tree." That was the motto for a planting event on May 7, 2022. 150 volunteers responded to the call of the Uganda Scouts Association, including many scouts themselves, students, climate activists and employees of other tree planting organizations. Together they planted 1,236 trees in the Kaazi forest within 2 hours. Parts of the Kaazi forest were donated to the scout organization many years ago. Large areas of the forest area had already been cleared before the donation. The scouts no longer wanted to accept this state of the forest. With tree planting campaigns, they are making a statement against climate change and for the protection and restoration of natural areas. Saad Ssebuliba, one of the scouts, says he plants trees "to restore damaged forests and combat the negative effects of deforestation on the planet."

Restore a refuge for humans and animals in the Kaazi forest
Mathias Schweikert presents his favorite project in the video
Intact forest reserve as a refuge for humans and animals in the densely populated Kampala region
Provision of material for the maintenance of a tree nursery, the cultivation and planting of seedlings, workshops for the Uganda Scouts Association
Measurable performance
In the next 2 planting periods, around 60,000 seedlings can be planted
Forest conservation area is wooded in parts and the tree nursery makes it possible to reforest further areas in the surrounding area
Systemically relevant impact
Animals and people use the forest as a place of refuge, the region is more resilient to climate change and dry periods are mitigated

In 2000, 32% of the land area in Uganda was covered by forest, but in 2015 this figure had fallen to just 8.6% (IUCN, 2016). Forests are being cut down to obtain high-quality wood and to create more agricultural, industrial and residential areas. For the local population, this means increasing drought, native animals lack sufficient refuge and the forests lose their function as the "lungs" of the planet. Reforestation is one approach to counteracting these challenges. In the Kaazi area, which covers 49.7 hectares, a pilot project shows how this could be done. In the future, a sufficient refuge for humans and animals should be created here again. The forest can then serve as a recreational area for the population, among other things. Currently, only part of this area (29%) consists of intact forest. Most of the area is currently devoid of trees. This proportion makes up 40% of the Kaazi area. The remaining area (31%) is heavily degraded forest. In 2020, together with the Uganda Scouts Association, which owns the Kaazi area, Fairventures Worldwide set up a tree nursery with a capacity of 30,000 seedlings. In the first planting season in 2021, 6,000 seedlings of native tree species were planted. This corresponds to 3.1 hectares. Initial results show that the survival rate of the seedlings is over 90%. The long-term goal is to reforest the entire area and thus create a nature reserve in the Kaazi forest.

Day 7
Day 7 Day 7 Day 7
The good deed

For every good deed, a seedling of native tree species such as Musizi, Mahogany, Umbrella Tree, Large-Leaf Saucer Berry and Silk Oak is planted in the Kaazi area together with the scouts of the Uganda Scouts Association. The seedlings are first grown in the tree nursery. Workshops are also held regularly here with the scouts. The tree nursery and the cooperation with the Uganda Scouts Association help to impart knowledge about the positive effects of forest areas and concrete practices for tree care. In this way, people can do even better to preserve the forest in the future and contribute to curbing the effects of climate change in the region in the long term. The air and soil quality is improved and more CO2 is stored. This means that the Kaazi forest will once again become a refuge for people and animals in the region.

About Uganda
Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 166 of 191
Rank 166 of 191
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

"We don't wear Rolex, we eat it." Rolex - a play on words in Uganda for a popular snack, “rolled eggs”. The dish consists of an omelette with tomatoes, wrapped in a flatbread.