Day 9

2 weeks of vegetables from the school garden for a child in Brazil

Edible classrooms satisfy hunger and thirst for knowledge Edible classrooms satisfy hunger and thirst for knowledge

2 weeks of vegetables from the school garden for a child in Brazil
Day 9
School gardens for needy children in the Brazilian megacity of São Paulo

Dandara's favorite vegetable is lettuce. She would like to have a garden at home, but in 2016 she didn't even know what that was. The six-year-old attends a state school in the poorest district of São Paulo. Dandara's father died young; her mother sells sweets on buses to support her family of five. Poor people eat poorly: fruit and vegetables are often missing from the plates of poor families. But school meals usually consist of beans and rice. What else can you prepare with the 8 cents per child and meal provided by the state (CAISAN, 2016)? With the school garden run by CITIES WITHOUT HUNGER, Dandara's school has found a way out. The school meal is now the most delicious and nutritious meal of the day. The children plant carrots, beetroot, cabbage, spinach, bananas, pumpkins and lettuce together. As an edible classroom, the garden satisfies hunger and thirst for knowledge at the same time.

School gardens for needy children in the Brazilian megacity of São Paulo
School gardens in the eastern zone of São Paulo for students who have little access to healthy food.
School gardens are created by local NGOs, which also provide practical and organizational support for maintenance and school gardening lessons.
Measurable performance
After about 50 days: The first harvest is ready! 2,900 children have access to fruit and vegetables with every daily school meal.
After one year: The garden becomes self-sustaining and ensures the children long-term access to sufficient and healthy food.
Systemically relevant impact
After about 3 years: Malnutrition and undernutrition decrease. Environmental and nutritional education are firmly anchored in the everyday lives of the children and their families.

The school gardens are being built in the eastern part of São Paulo, where they are most needed. Hunger is a "pain", as people here call it. But people are ashamed to talk about hunger, because it indicates social inequality. The megacity of São Paulo paints a sad picture of this inequality: in the eastern part of the city, the human development index is much lower, at 0.48 to 0.70, than in other parts of the city, where it is high to very high, at 0.80 to 1.00 (GNESD, 2014). The city is characterized by slums, the so-called favelas. An estimated 23 percent of the city's population lives here (HABISP, 2011). In the Itaquera administrative district in the eastern part, for example, the median household income is the equivalent of around 350 euros (Rede Social, 2012). A household consists of an average of four people (GNESD, 2014). The lower the income, the greater the share that is spent on food and the less fresh fruit and vegetables are consumed. Malnutrition and malnutrition are the result. All-day schools are obliged to offer at least three meals. Primary and secondary schools are given 30 centavos, or 8 cents, per child and meal for this (CAISAN, 2016). For this amount, it is hardly possible for schools to offer more than beans and rice.

São Paulo Brasilien
Day 9 Day 9
The good deed

With your donation today, you support the school gardens in São Paulo and enable a child to have a healthy meal with vegetables from the school garden for two weeks. CITIES WITHOUT HUNGER uses free space on school grounds and transforms them into green classrooms to give children in socially disadvantaged regions access to healthy food. This can counteract malnutrition and improve children's health. At the same time, nutrition education is provided to introduce children to healthy lifestyle habits at an early age. The school gardens are created together with the students and teaching staff with the help of the local NGO. The NGO provides practical and organizational support for garden maintenance and school gardening lessons. Lessons on nutrition and environmental education are also held. Students in particular need can take surplus harvests home with them, so that entire families benefit.

Capital city
212 559 409
212 559 409
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 84 of 189
Rank 84 of 189
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

60 percent of the Amazon, the world's largest forest, is located in Brazil. Clouds form here and act as "flying rivers" that bring rain to São Paulo and gardens. Deforestation destroys this water source (WWF, 2021; BMZ, 2019).