Day 5

3 days of schooling for a child in Bangladesh

Learning with joy Learning with joy

3 days of schooling for a child in Bangladesh
Day 5
Child-centered teaching on alluvial islands in Bangladesh

Yasmin Hak is particularly impressed by one of her students: "Maya is such a bright and fearless girl. And incredibly creative!" says the teacher. "In our village school she can develop herself, can sing, dance and paint. She particularly likes the song about the girls who have different religions and dance together. She sings it very often and teaches it to her friends." Maya's parents were skeptical at first. On the one hand, they were happy that their daughter could go to school at all. Here on the banks of the big river there are not enough schools and Maya's father earns very little as a ticket collector. But the parents did not like the fact that Maya went to school with poor children and children of other religions. But their attitude has now changed: "Both parents come to our school picnic and celebrate together with the other families. Recently the mother said to me: I don't know how, but you have enchanted my daughter!"



Quality and inclusive primary education for children excluded from the education system in northwest Bangladesh.



60 teachers teach 1,800 children at 60 newly founded village schools. Local NGOs provide them with pedagogical training and support in community work.

Measurable performance


Number of days children attend school and receive quality instruction.



The children can read, write, do math and express themselves confidently and creatively. They pass the exam and continue their school education.

Systemically relevant

Child-centered teaching on alluvial islands in Bangladesh
Quality and inclusive primary education for children excluded from the education system in northwest Bangladesh.
60 teachers teach 1,800 children at 60 newly founded village schools. Local NGOs provide them with pedagogical training and support in community work.
Measurable performance
Number of days children attend school and receive quality instruction.
The children can read, write, do math and express themselves confidently and creatively. They pass the exam and continue their school education.
Systemically relevant impact
Primary education in remote regions of Bangladesh is becoming more equitable and improving in quality.

Since its democratization in the 1990s, Bangladesh has achieved a lot in terms of education. Most children now go to school. But 2.6 million children of primary school age are still denied school attendance (UNICEF, 2014) - this number has recently increased due to the consequences of the corona pandemic. Girls and children in general whose families live in poverty or belong to religious and ethnic minorities are most often unable to go to school. They are discriminated against and excluded from school. Or they have to live in places where there is no school at all. For example, on the alluvial islands in the middle of the country's huge rivers. The second major problem is just as serious: the poor quality of schools. Teachers often have to teach 40 to 60 children at the same time. They have little ability to respond to the children and rely on memorization. Even with expensive tutoring, many children make little progress. Almost one in four children drops out of primary school (Chowdhury, 2019). And those who stick with it often take much longer than they should: it takes an average of eight and a half years to complete fifth grade. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that the children learn a lot. On the contrary: not even one in four children can read and understand simple texts after third grade (Alam, 2019). So there is still a lot to be done.

Nilphamari und Naogaon Bangladesch
Day 5 Day 5
The good deed

Your good deed today enables a child in Bangladesh to go to primary school for three days. No matter whether girl or boy, religious or not, with rich or poor parents: In the newly founded village schools, all children learn together. The teachers also come from the area. They know the children's problems and have a direct line to the parents. Community and school officers organize government support and school meals in times of need, for example during floods. All teachers receive basic training and regular refresher courses in child-centered pedagogy so that the students can learn better. They encourage the children in their creative development and do natural science experiments with them using materials from the environment. Not only do the children enjoy this, they also learn a lot: 95 percent of them are able to complete primary school. The good deed lays the foundation for the children's future and strengthens inclusion in remote regions.

Capital city
164 689 383
164 689 383
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 133 of 189
Rank 133 of 189
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Bangladesh is located in the Ganges Delta, the largest river delta in the world. With a population density of 1,265 people per square kilometer, the country is the most densely populated country in the world (Statista, 2018).